Thursday, July 7, 2016

TEN! 10! X! Diez!

Welcome to my Day 10.  So far it has started much like the last 9 days - I am all assured of my decision, feeling bulletproof, thoroughly enjoying the hangover free mornings.  But later this afternoon it will bite back. I will drive home after work, right past my favorite sit-outside-by-the-river-and-drink bar and I will get nearly irate because I am not 'allowed' to sit by the river and drink. The sensation of discomfort, and wanting and displeasure because I cannot have it is overwhelming.  Why is it so very difficult to shut up the voices and still the inner turmoil?  Rational brain can explain why sober is better until it is hoarse from talking, but alcohol brain just wants and wants and wants and wants.

I want to not want it so badly.

The good news is that today I have my workout stuff.  This means I can go straight from work to the gym and so I shall not need to drive by the sit-outside-by-the-river-and-drink bar at all.  Yeay!!  Since going dry, I have had a horrible time getting out of bed in the mornings and there have been too many days with no exercise.  So today, I will try hitting the gym right after work.  This could end up being a big help, as it would seem that once I get home and eat, I no longer need/want/obsess about the drink so much.

Fingers crossed!!  Good luck to anyone else in the fight.  :)

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