Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Unchartered waters

Just double checked and here I am at Day 9, a place I have definitely not been to in 19 years and at least 3 months.  It is odd to think about it, and disturbing to think how casually I make that statement. To my mind, it sounds like going 9 days without drinking one time in 19 years is a huge accomplishment of some sort.  It certainly seems akin to climbing a mountain.  The hard truth is that for me (and many others like me) it really is a big hairy deal.  What is difficult for me to accept and embrace is that in order to change this one behavior, repair this one chip in my teacup - I am having to funnel about 85% of my mental resources to the project.  I cannot believe how much energy this has taken!  And so I keep reading ahead in others' recovery blogs hoping to find proof that this will one day be less of an energy drain.

In addition I continue to remind myself that I quit smoking 10 years ago.  That was ridiculously hard, probably harder than this, but I did it.  And I never look back anymore, I don't miss the smokes - when I see a box of the brand I used to smoke there is no desire to pick them back up.  So it can be done.  I think I can, I think I can, I think I can.....

I also imagine my bloated, exhausted, overworked liver working overtime to fix itself.  Mr. Liver has not had this much time to make repairs in decades.  I would imagine around Day 4 he sent out patrols to make sure the rest of the body was still up and running.  "Did she finally kick?",  "Are we brain dead?", "Are we lost at sea on a booze free inner tube?"  he would ask.  Once assured that the whole operation is still running, he probably began clean-up in earnest.  And who am I to screw up all of that hard work?  Who am I to interfere with healing?  If Mr. L is willing to attempt to fix the mess I have made of him then I owe it to him to stay out of the way!

On to Day 10.  TEN!  Double Digits!!

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