Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Day 8

Here I am at Day 8.  I would love to say that this has been easy and I am fast and sure in my decision to dry out and that I am looking just soooo..... much better.  But none of that would be true.  I am not mad though, I am a little bit proud.  I made it through a trip to Summerfest and an entire concert that I did not really enjoy, I made it through a BBQ where everyone else had a cocktail (although nobody was drunkety-drunk-drunk) and I went to watch fireworks on July 3rd and no alcohol.  I realize that that last one probably sounds like it should have been easy, but I cannot remember sober fireworks, EVER.  I would imagine the last time that happened I was 16 years old.  So 30 years ago.  Wow.

Well they were lovely, and although I thought I was going to come out of my skin while we walked to our viewing area and for the entire hour we were there waiting for the show to begin, I did not get a cocktail.  And I could have bought beer ACROSS THE STREET.....so yes, I thought about all of the options.  I wanted and I pined and puled and expressed irritability with everything from our spot, to the kids behind us to the chilly temperature.  Really I was just mad because I had to sit there with no booze.  Which is sad, because the show was beautiful, the other people were funny and summery and my boyfriend was doing his very best to be supportive even though I know he wanted a cocktail too.

But it is over, and I woke up on July 4th feeling clear and good and not hungover and I was truly grateful for that.  I went for a long walk with a friend followed by a long run with my MP3 and it was warm and green and lovely.  On to Day 9.

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