Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Peanut butter

So I realized today that if I decide to have peanut butter on a spoon right out of the jar that I cannot stop with just one spoonful.  Even if I close the jar back up, I open it and have more every time.  It is the same with chips and salsa, whatever is put out, I am pretty much guaranteed to finish it.  But then I can go days and days without thinking of peanut butter at all.

And now that I am thinking about it, I have been that way in relationships.  If I hone in on somebody, if I decide that I want to be on their radar, then I go too hard.  I give up too much to 'make them want/like me'.  I want them to need me, and then if they openly tell me that they do need me, I feel put out.  Overwhelmed and irritated by the 'need'.

OR, I twist and bend myself into a pretzel to be the person I think they want me to be.  Then after a time I despise them for not seeing the real me.  Whoever that is...

Thoughts to ponder, eh?