Thursday, September 8, 2016

Hello from Day 3.  So far, so good.  I woke up in a decent mood (I actually took a moment as I woke up to appreciate NOT being hungover - and smiled) and am still not feeling panicky about 'will I make it through today'.  Here is the deal though, I am moments from the danger zone.  It is 10 minutes to 4:00, and I will leave work in a little over an hour and I will drive by my favorite 'sit by the river and drink' bar.  And it is warm and lovely out, there will be people there appearing to have fun and I will want to stop.  Just for one.  To celebrate warmth and having had a good day.

Screw that.  I will take a different longer route home, avoid the stupid scene at the river entirely and .....  feel like I might just have a drink at home.  Hmmm.


OK.  I am going to go to the library which is nowhere near my home or the stupid bar and I am going to sit in one of the big chairs and read a cheesy romance novel until dark.  Seriously.  That is what I am going to do.  Because why not?  How is sitting at the library reading any more ridiculous than sitting by the river wasting money, time and liver function?  Then I will go home and go to bed.

I got this!  I will not drink today.  Not Today.

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